Why is Man at odds with Nature?

We seek to bring order to a reality that's constantly flowing toward entropy

And what is entropy?

Entropy is a measure of disorder within a system, say Life, for example

  • More orderly systems = Less entropy
  • More dis-orderly systems = More entropy

Entropy is used interchangeably with Chaos in many situations

We toggle between the two while learning and applying — especially when the stakes are high, which causes a phenomenon: Parkinson's Law

Parkinson's Law states that work expands to fill the time available for its completion

In simple terms: When we don't want to miss a self-important deadline, our focus sharpens and creativity increases, and then we achieve our set goal

Friedrich Nietzsche Quote: “You must have chaos within you to give birth to  a dancing star.”
One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star — Friedrich Nietzsche

This idea has been coined and popularized as "Flow State," but at its core is entropy

Entropy is another one of those concepts I learned in Mechanical Physics. While reflecting these days, I appreciate that class as an impromptu byway to Philosophy

While this is good most times, what happens when our purpose is hijacked?

We all find ourselves on — more or less – the same hedonic treadmill

My proof?

Media, Twitter, Reddit, or [insert your social media platform]

What sells, and why does what sells-sell?

Salaciousness and vanity sell because they draw our attention, and attention is the best thing since sliced bread

Is there balance in this existential battle?

Philosophically speaking:

  • Being too systemized can lead to rigidity, fragility, and corruption
  • Being too chaotic can lead to derision, isolation, and psychosis

Now, I must ask you:

  • Doesn't a person need a bit of order to complete a task?
  • Doesn't a person need a bit of chaos to creatively problem solve?

So, why do people shy away from one more and embrace the other?

People don't truly know themselves and don't want to get to know themselves

To no surprise, what do we fear the most?

The unknown, which includes ourselves